

Building & Instilling a Coaching Culture

Coaching culture enriches organisations – Learn how!

Leaders as coaches, bring a deeper dimension to leadership, creating an inclusive environment of enablement and empowerment in organisations and within communities.

Participants will be equipped with coaching philosophies and competencies, gaining tools to help inspire their team to take ownership of decision-making processes and to create their own collective paths to success.

Through coaching, leaders can promote responsibility, accountability, trust and respect. Embracing the Five Coaching Power Tools advocated in the program, participants engage in an experiential journey that strengthens their capacity to transform engagement styles and develop solution focus mindsets through Coaching Conversations.

Discover how coaching can inspire change within leaders and their teams!

2 Days Programs / Virtual Programs

Request for Program brochure

    Programme Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of the program, participants will be able to:

    • Define Coaching
    • Demonstrate the application of Five Coaching Power Tools
    • Develop Coaching Competencies
    • Gain & apply Coaching Process to Lead individuals and workplace teams
    • Inspire a Solution Focus mindset through Coaching Conversation
    • Develop and Demonstrate Coaching Style of Leadership

    Program Outline


    Module I

    • Introduction to Coaching
    • History of Coaching & Definition of Coaching
    • The Difference between Coaching, Mentoring, Counselling, and Consulting
    • Type of Coaching
    • Benefits and Impact of Coaching


    Module II

    • Coaching Guiding Principles
    • Coaching Power Tools (Questioning, Listening, Clarifying, Silence, Complementing/Validating)
    • Practicum


    Module III

    • Coaching Process
    • Overview of Coaching Framework and Models.
    • Introduction to Grow Model
    • Application of Grow Model
    • Solution Focus Model OSKAR
    • Solution Focus Principle
    • Solution Focus Catalytic Questions
    • Application of OSKAR Model

    Learning Methodology

    The following methodologies will be used to enhance programme effectiveness:

    • Interactive Presentation
    • Group Discussion
    • Coaching Practicum
    • Multi-media review and reflection
    • Individual reflection and journaling
    • Coaching Labs

    Who should attend

    • High potential managers and future
    • leaders.
    • Individual who are responsible for planning
    • and leading major change initiatives.
    • Individual who want to gain critical insight
    • to help increase their leadership capacity
    • and accelerate their career.

    Participants who have completed the Leaders as Coaches program will be granted Module 1 & Module 2 exemptions for TCI Certified Professional Coach Certification Program (CPC)