
Leadership Courses & Coaching Company

Teamcoach International

Teamcoach International was established in 1999. We are committed to becoming the preferred training and coaching partner in Malaysia and beyond, to help organisations and individuals improve their leadership, team qualities and human capabilities which supports their personal developments towards achieving sustained excellence.

Specialising in leadership and team related facilitation, training and coaching services for more than 20 years, we are passionate about helping organisations and individuals achieve exceptional levels of inspired performance that are results driven.

Teamcoach International’s custom-designed programs are unique, interactive, engaging, effective and fun. All our programs are participant-centric and results-oriented, which sets us apart from other leadership coaching companies.

Our aim at every program is to kickstart a transformational change in the personality and character of our participants for the better. Our programs have been delivered in Malaysia and numerous countries including Indonesia, Thailand, Brunei, Bangladesh, Singapore, Sri Lanka and Switzerland.

As an established company, we also offer leadership coaching courses to individuals seeking to become certified coaches themselves or people who want to improve their soft skills and leadership qualities.

Discover more about our coaching programs here.


Captain Dr Shan Moorthi (Retd)

Founder & CEO

For more than 20 years, Captain Dr Shan Moorthi (Retd) is passionate about helping organisations and individuals achieve an exceptional level of inspired performance that are results driven.

Jose Pic_A

Capt. Jose Palamootil Oommen (Retd)

Program Director India

Capt. Jose Palamootil Oommen (Retd) heads the India operations of
Teamcoach International. Post retirement, from the Indian Army, he
worked in large corporates such as Reliance Filaments, Mahindra
Holidays and Satyam Infoway (later Sify).

A Masteries Practitioner
from the International Association of Coaching, he is also a trained
counselor. He has had speaking engagements and has conducted
training programs internationally. He is also a Director of Profugo
Social Ventures, a social venture company working towards the
development of the under privileged.


Silvia Theresia, M.Psi.

Program Director Indonesia

Silvia Theresia, is a professional with an academic background in the Master of Educational Psychology, who has more than 30 years of experience in various industries, both national and multinational corporations.

Her interest in human development gave her the opportunity to be involved in designing various human resource development programs and conducting the programs, in addition to her duties in management.

Silvia Theresia is a Certified Professional Coach and is an International Association of Coaching (IAC) Masteries Practitioner ™, and she is also a licensed trainer from Miniworkshopseries™. Currently she is assigned as a programme director of Teamcoach International Indonesia.


Charlie Martial NGOUNOU

Charlie Martial NGOUNOU

Program Director Africa

Charlie is a passionate and seasoned executive coach, with certifications in neuroscience, leadership, organizational, emotional intelligence, team coaching, etc.

Appointed as the Africa Regional Coordinator by the International Association of Coaching (IAC), Charlie is also the Africa Director of Teamcoach International, a global leadership coaching company founded in 1999.

An international expert in public finance and information systems, he is the Program Manager for francophone Africa with the Association Internationale des Maires Francophones (AIMF). Founder and President of AfroLeadership, a panafrican NGO promoting human rights, governance and sustainable development, he sits at many boards of directors for global organisations.

He currently pursues PhD studies.

Our Approach

3-Stage Partnership Model

Teamcoach International specializes in customized client-centric programs that are built around our client needs based on our 3-Stage Partnership Model.

An initial meeting with client organization will be arranged to identify training needs. Understanding client’s desired learning outcome is the key here.

Based on the client brief developed, a custom-designed program proposal will be prepared. Client feedback will be sought , changes (if any) made accordingly to create a finalized program content.

To adhere to high standards of conduct and ethical practices. In order to achieve effective transfer of learning, our approach is based on an adult-centric learner-centred cycle of learning. This involves and capitalises on the adult learner’s desire for active participation in and responsibility for their learning.

To generate high impact and meaningful results, training programs are delivered using of adult-learning based tools that engages the participants and stimulates self-directed responsibility for their learning. The wide array of blended learning tools used are:

• Interactive short lectures
• Self and Team assessment tools
• Experiential indoor learning activities
• Experiential outdoor learning activities
• Group discussion and presentation
• Role play
• Multi-media presentation and review
• Case Studies
• Scenario Thinking
• Leadership and Coaching labs
• In role assignments

The program effectiveness will be measured using qualitative tools such as observations and informal discussions during sessions and quantitative tools such as evaluation forms. A precise and concise report will be prepared highlighting some key findings and suggestions for further capability development initiatives. Included in this report will be the post-training action plans by the participants (if any).

An R.O.I study can be conducted if applicable.

Our Methodologies

Leadership Coaching Program

We use blended action-learning tools to generate high impact and meaningful results. Our training programs are delivered using adult-learning based tools that engages the participants and encourages self-directed responsibility for their learning. The wide arrays of blended learning tools used are:

Blended Action-Learning Tools

To generate high impact and meaningful results, training programmes are delivered using of adult-learning based tools that engages the participants and stimulates self-directed responsibility for their learning. The wide arrays of blended learning tools used are:

Our Clients

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