
Coaching Books

by Captain. Dr. Shan

Coaching with R.E.S.P.E.C.T.

2nd Edition

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Paperback | English

By (author) Shan Moorthi PhD

If ever there was a simplistic way of describing coaching, it would be that it is one of the most human-centred tools that can support transformation. Coaching steers its practitioners and participants towards an overarching goal to create a a greater sense of purposefulness in life. But how can Coaching, as an engagement tool be enriched to provide a life-changing experience for coachees?

Coaching With Respect, brings us closer towards understanding and practising the core values that would mould the coaching process into becoming effective instruments of change, reaching hearts and shaping minds. It is a useful reminder for us to pay attention to the one of the strongest, if not the strongest, fundamentals of good communication, RESPECT.

Coming from a place of confusion and uncertainty, individuals seeking the professional services of a coach naturally expect to be listened to, understood and most of all, to be taken seriously. Where then would the coaching process end up if these expectations were not met? And how, in the first place, would a coach meet these expectations in the absence of Respect?

With the depth of experience in coaching, the author presents a refreshing perspective into coaching enrichment, using the RESPECT model, which he has developed from many years of continuous engagement with a diverse range of clients. It is also a guide book that is written from the heart, demonstrating a personal perspective shaped from accumulative experential learning.

“The (RESPECT) word resonates with notions of humility, inclusivity and personal responsibility which, to our minds, are the essential ingredients of a successful communication and engagement.”

This books engages you at many levels to show you how you can practise coaching with utmost care and respect so you can help make a difference in someone’s life!

Coaching with the 5 A's

Amal – Akhlak – Adab – Adat - Akrab
Between Self-Reflection and Building Universal Values of Trust, Respect, and Love

RM 35.00
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Paperback | English

By (author) Shan Moorthi PhD

The Five As point to ways of conducting oneself and one’s affairs in the wider social, professional, communal, and business domains that one comes into contact with. They resonate a sense of virtuousness, setting moral boundaries for individuals with the aim of fostering peace and harmony within communities. In fact, the process of coaching itself, particularly in relation to its compliance with the IAC Masteries®, strictly adheres to standards of being and practice that are deeply rooted in the Five As.

Understanding the significance of the Five As as a foundation to being better human beings in respect of our internal development and external relations promises new possibilities, And, with possibilities come potential development, Coaching, as a tool of engagement, creates the space for this under- standing to emerge from the process of self-reflection.